Ignite Presentations


Are you content with the current education system or would you like to suggest some improvements and changes for the future generations in engineering and technology education?

We are looking for student Ignite presentations that highlight:

Ideas and experiences that can impact or lead to a change in engineering and technology education



To help us select the the Ignite presentation, we are asking you to submit a brief (less than one page) summary of your talk.  This summary should include:

  • Problem being addressed
  • Why this is important to you
  • Who does it affect
  • How do you plan to solve it
  • What do you need to take this forward or what is your call to action



Ignite presentations consists of 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds, giving a total of 5 minutes for the presentation.  Slides can be the same, but the presentation must contain 20 slides. A sample PowerPoint template and previous examples of Ignite presentations are provided.


Judging Criteria

Selected Ignite presentations will be present in one or more sessions and will be adjudicated for the best student presentation award.  Judges will be looking for:


  • Ideas that have significant impact and are viable
  • Ideas and experiences that are relevant to students and faculty in attendance
  • Presentations that are clear, stimulating and well executed.

Submission for Ignite presentation summaries will close on July 12th.  They will then be reviewed by a panel of student peers and authors will be notified by July 19th if they have been accepted for an Ignite presentation.


Example Abstract


Student Ignite Abstract Proposal Title

Student Presenter(s) name

Home University


            The ignite abstract is a 250 word outline describing the change that you wish to see in engineering and technology education. Detailing your own experiences or the ways that you would choose to change it if given the opportunity. This abstract does not need to be the manuscript of your presentation, it merely serves to get the outline and goal of your presentation across. Abstracts will be evaluated based on the potential impact and viability of the ideas presented and the story that it seeks to get across. The panel evaluating the abstracts is comprised of students across undergraduate and graduate levels. You will be notified of acceptance via e-mail and given access to materials to build and prepare the presentation. Additionally, individuals selected to present their ignite will be in the running for a student presentation award. This award will be judged based on a set of during the ignite sessions.