To enhance professional skills and add to the educational journey, the MBA 360 professional development program requires self and peer assessments on competencies of interest. MBA 360 program uses the Qualtrics 360 platform that allows the student and the selected peers to complete an evaluation of the student on various business competencies (leadership, interpersonal, problem solving & analytical, communication, business acumen, and strategic thinking). After completion of the self and peer evaluations, the platform generates an assessment report on the competencies that is shared with the students. Students then watch an instructive video and develop a professional development plan.
MBA 360 Personal Development Template
MBA 360 is a mandatory requirement for the MBA program. If you do not complete MBA 360 program, it will impact your graduation.
Steps to Complete the MBA 360 Requirements:
- Enroll in the MBA 799 course. This is a credit / no credit course at zero cost (no tuition will be charged)
- Complete the self-assessment on the Qualtrics platform
- Select four peers (colleagues, friends, supervisors etc.) and upload their email addresses to the Qualtrics platform. The system will email the peers and prompt them to complete the evaluation and will do automatic follow-ups
- Review your assessment report when it becomes available
- Watch an instructive video on how to compile your professional development plan based upon your report findings
- Submit your completed professional development plan. A standard template will be provided for the professional development plan. Students are expected to submit their professional development plans by the end of their first semester.
The Office of Graduate Studies in Business will review your professional development plan and make a determination on completion of the MBA 360 requirements.
You can request to do an optional follow up 360 review at a later time in the MBA program.