This fund has been established in order to help Political Science majors participate in events/activities that will develop their professional skills and build their resumes. Such activities might include: presenting a research paper or poster at a conference, experiencing a summer internship, attending an academic forum for undergraduates (such as the Academy conference at the Air Force Academy), attending an academic workshop, or conducting research with a faculty member. The Department is open to considering other opportunities that students discover and would like to participate in.

Applicants must have a faculty sponsor who is working with them on their project, or who is familiar with their proposed event / activity.

This form should be completed in full and submitted to the Department Chair at least two months in advance of the proposed event / activity.
First and last name
Example A123B456
Please enter the address where you can receive your reimbursement. Include your state and zip code.
Please provide a 10 digit phone number where you can be reached
Please enter an email where you can be reached
If you would like to enter an alternate E-mail you may enter that here.
Related expenses to participating in the Event / Activity (maximum available is $500):
Example Airfare, Train ticket, Bus pass, Taxi's, Uber, Gas for personal vehicle
Example Hotel, Motel, AirBnB, apartment
Please provide amount in USD
In order to receive funding, students must pay for their travel in advance and submit receipts for reimbursement. Stipends will be paid once students begin their internships.