Admission Criteria


Deadlinefor application for admission to the Medical Laboratory Sciences Program may be made in the semester that pre-requisites are in progress for completion. Deadline for receipt by the MLS Office for all application materials, including references, is March 15 for fall semesters and October 15 for next spring semester. Students will be accepted for full-time and half-time enrollment. Students must be full-time during the Clinical Practicum semester.


Acceptance is based on the following criteria:

A. Grade Point Average (GPA): Minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 0 - 4.0 scale. Points are assigned as follows: Overall GPA x 10 = points. (Example; GPA of 2.5: 2.5 x 10 = 25 points) Note: All courses, which are pre-requisites for the Medical Laboratory Sciences program, must be completed with a grade of 2.0 or above on a 0 – 4.0 scale and within the last 10 years before entering the professional phase of the Medical Laboratory Sciences Program.

  • B. References: Maximum of 15 points to be determined as follows:
    • Statements/evaluations support high recommendation of candidate – up to 15 points
    • Statements/evaluations support recommendation – up to 12 points
    • Statements/evaluations support recommendation with reservation – up to 6 points
    • Any combination below this - 0 points.

Three references*: two from individuals who know your science abilities (science professors or employers in clinical or science-based services), and one professional reference. Your professional reference should be someone who is able to speak about your work habits or professional behavior such as a work supervisor, coach, pastor, physician, etc. (not personal friend, family, or coworker). It is the responsibility of the applicant to request and ensure that three references are submitted as part of the application. Please request that references use the online reference form. 

C. Application Form: Maximum of 18 points may be assigned. Points will be based upon activities,
such as those listed:

    1. Evidence of knowledge of healthcare (up to 6 points), such as:
      Work/volunteer in a medical laboratory—up to 6 points
      Work/volunteer in healthcare or patient care, other than medical laboratory– up to 4 points
    2. Evidence of ability to lead or participate in diverse teams (up to 6 points):
      Leadership activities in a team (i.e. President, class officer) – up to 6 points
      Team participation – up to 6 points
    3. Evidence of knowledge of the profession and presentation of application (up to 6 points): Rationale for entering the MLS profession – up to 6 points Neatness and accuracy – up to 2 points

MINIMUM POINTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE: 50 points. Deviation from the minimum number of points must be considered by the Department Admission/Exception Committee.

INTERVIEW AND BASIC SKILLS ASSESSMENT: Students who have earned the minimum points for acceptance are required to participate in an interview and basic skills assessment.  The skills assessment will be based on the technical standards for admission into the MLS program as stated in the MLS student handbook (available online). 

FILE REACTIVATION: If entry to the program was denied based upon GPA or grades, documentation of improvement or repeat course work must be submitted. Should the majority of the committee agree that a reference might be invalid, a new reference will be requested from another source. All new material submitted shall become part of the applicant’s permanent file. MLS students are accepted into the professional program as full-time or half-time enrollment. All students must be full-time during the Clinical Practicum semester.

In accordance with the directives of the Americans with Disabilities Act, students are required to inform faculty within two weeks of acceptance so that reasonable accommodation necessary to ensure that special needs necessary for learning can be met.