Reminders for Teaching Faculty
Academic Resources Conference (ARC) – January 11-15, 2021
All January 2021 ARC events will be remote with most events being live online through Zoom, and other events being on-demand through recorded sessions from earlier ARC sessions or through LinkedIn Learning. All live online events and all ARC recorded events are free for anyone who is interested. LinkedIn Learning sessions are available to Wichita State instructors, staff, and students only and participants need to activate their WSU-provided LinkedIn Learning account first. Visit the ARC website for the schedule and for Zoom links for most sessions. Join the ARC Facebook group for teaching tips all year.
Communicate first-day expectations
Remember to let students know your expectations for class attendance for the first day of class if you are teaching a hybrid or synchronous online course. I encourage you to send a welcome email to your class at least a week before the semester starts. Also post an announcement in Blackboard with information about where to meet for the first day.
Plan for change
As Academic Affairs recently reminded all of us - as you finalize your spring semester, plan now for a potential shift to remote-only learning. I know many of you are already teaching remote only for spring.
Additional Resources
The Office of Instructional Design and Access can help with any course delivery and design questions. Visit the IDA website This year we also created an Honors Faculty Handbook. Find it on the Resources for Faculty in Honors page. Teaching and office resources are on pages 7-10.
What Makes Your Course an Honors Course?
Please Tell Your Students! Our student council asks that all faculty include a statement on the syllabus telling students what makes the work in the course more meaningful work. The Resources for Faculty in Honors page and Faculty Handbook include some suggested approaches, concepts, and resources.
Seeking Cohen Honors Faculty Fellows
Fellows and Honors Teaching applications from individuals and departments are accepted throughout the year. Proposals to develop departmental honors and first-year experiences are particularly welcome.
Great Plains Honors Council Conference - March 12-13, 2021
Message from the host - Midwestern State University:
Dear Great Plains Honors Council Institutions,
Happy New Year! After much delay, we would like to announce the call for submissions for GPHC 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, GPHC will be offered virtually this year. Although this is disappointing, we are going to try to provide as many opportunities for students to present their research as if we were meeting in person. The conference will be held March 12-13th, 2021, via a digital platform, and we will only be charging a $10 registration fee. Poster presentations will be asynchronous and available to view prior to the beginning of the conference. Oral presentations will be synchronous and held Saturday, March 13th, via a digital platform. Both the Dennis Boe paper and John Britt poster awards will be awarded this year as well.
We invite you to visit the conference website and submit your proposal today: