Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style.
Massimo Vignelli, Italian designer

Why Design Matters

This unit covers the very basics of design theory, providing a base-line vocabulary and terminology for design application, while highlighting some important considerations when crafting content for the classroom. This content is for those new to design and those seeking additional resources and/or training for design application.

This section is designed to provide an overview of design theory, providing a more conceptual approach to this training, while quick project-based training and helpful bite-sized-bits of information can be found in the 1-Minute Café section. These will change out monthly with new training and information.

You will also find an Additional Resource section below. There you'll find additional information and learning that has been curated by our team to support and further the training in this unit.

Text-based Version of the Video Below

Design Basics Overview

Learn More

Elements of Design

This module defines the 7 elements of design and how understanding the elements might assist with creating stronger educational material.

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Principles of Design

This module covers the 12 principles of design and how those principles can be used with the elements of design to communicate ideas more efficiently. 

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Using the Grid


In this module we demonstrate how using a grid and understanding a few simple compositional tips & tricks can improve the impact and engagement of learning assets.

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Accessible Design


This module highlights the importance of accessible design with learning content. We also cover the WSU standards with accessibility and provide direction for training and continued learning.

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Software Available for Use


This module covers the various creative software available to WSU faculty, staff, and students, and explains how to access and install the software.

Text-Based Version of this Topic
Working with WSU's Brand


This module highlights the available assets, templates, and WSU brand resources available through WSU's Strategic Communication.

Text-Based Version of this Topic

1-Byte Café 

Quick, 1-byte information and tutorials.

1-Byte Info

Blackboard's module banners are going away?

Did you know that the module banners in our Blackboard course's will be going away when you transition into Ultra? Want to know what's taking its place and why it'll be an improvement for your Blackboard course?

You don't need the net to find an image for PowerPoint.

Did you know that PowerPoint has a built-in system for getting you access to great images?

Top 5 PowerPoint templates for design & accessibility.

Did you know that Microsoft provides beautiful and accessible PowerPoint templates that you can use and even customize?

Looking for Something?

Access to Microsoft Software   Access to Adobe Software   PowerPoint Training   Blackboard Training   Accessibility Training

Additional Resources

mirrored image of an orange, one with the expected colors of an orange, one with the colors flipped

Here you will find a collection of good and bad design that can be found in our everyday life. Each example is accompanied by detailed observation on why the design might be problematic or optimized for understanding.

illustration of a building block with the letters, "E", "P", and the symbol "&" on the sides
This collection of resources includes articles on design, educational material on using design to craft learning, and training on key design topics covered in the Design Basics unit.
illustration of the golden mean
Here you will find learning resources on what universal design is, how it's different than accessible design, and how it can assist with crafting our learning content and improving the learner experience.
illustration of puzzle pieces fitted neatly together

This unit covers WSU's agreement with the Federation of the Blind and the learning materials we make and use in the classroom, additional reading and resources for better understanding accessibility in learning, and training for crafting accessibility into our learning assets.