Types of Results Reporting

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Below lists the options associated with results that can be found under each menu.  The Results Menu can be found at the top purple bar on the Instructor Dashboard.  The Report Menu can be found within Project Results after clicking on the Report icon.  Each option listed will have a short explanation when the plus sign is clicked.

Results Menu

Response Rate Tracker

To view results of evaluations in real time, including number of respondents out of total enrollments, response rate percentage, and students who opted out.  You can view this in the widget on the instructor dashboard.  You can also view it by clicking on the Response Rate Tracker under Results Menu.  Below is the dashboard view.  You can click on the view icon to download the data in Excel.

screenshot of Watermark Project Response Rates page with a box around the "View" option

Project Results

This is the source to create individual course results.  Results can be viewed from the Project Results widget on the instructor dashboard or by selecting Project Results in the Results Menu.  It will display the courses that were evaluated in the semester’s project. 

The widget, however, will only show the courses that had data to compile results.  To view all courses that a course evaluation was administered, it will need to be viewed through the Results Menu – Project Results

Screenshot of Watermark Project Results page with a box around the "Report" option

Instructor Results

Ability to search for results across semester projects. 

Screenshot of the Results page, with multiple courses shown

Report Builder

Allows instructors to create custom reports across multiple projects based on question criteria.  Reports created are saved within the instructor’s Report Builder’s dashboard and can be copied, edited and/or saved with a specific title.  Extra steps are needed to use the Metadata Filters.  Contact WSU Evaluations for assistance.

Screenshot of the Report Builder page with the "Projects" tab selected

screenshot of CES Report Builder page showing the graphic results of a question from the evaluation survey

Results Feedback

Shows a list of feedback comments.  This will only show if you leave yourself notes.  Watermark developed this option for a different purpose that includes a setting we don’t use.  However, you can use it for personal notes.

Screenshot of the Results Feedback page

Report Menu

Detailed Report

Results of course evaluations, including questions and responses, weight, frequency, percent, percent responses, means, standard deviation, and median.  Benchmarks are presented and are by University and Division.  At the end of the report will also be a Mean of Means Table by both course and instructor related questions.

Detailed Report plus Comments

Results of course evaluations, including questions and responses, weight, frequency, percent, percent responses, means, standard deviation, and median.  Benchmarks are presented and are by University and Division.  At the end of the report will also be a Mean of Means Table by both course and instructor related questions.  In addition, it will list the comments students provided.

Short Report

Results of course evaluations in condensed form.  Includes question, frequency, percent, means, standard deviation and median.  At the bottom it will list the scale.

Short Report plus Comments

Results of course evaluations in condensed form.  Includes question, frequency, percent, means, standard deviation and median.  At the bottom it will list the scale.  In addition, it will list the comments students provided.

Raw Data

Downloaded Excel file containing data about user responses, including timestamps and course information.  It will show in the RawData tab the data from each student without any identifying information.  The QuestionMapper tab will show what the questions are in the evaluation.

Batch Reporting

Report Options by Batch Reporting

This process will create an Excel file containing data about user responses, including timestamps and course information.  It will show in the RawData tab the data from each student without any identifying information.  The QuestionMapper tab will show what the questions are.

  1. Once you are logged into the CES Tool from Blackboard, from the Instructor Dashboard locate the Project Results widget.
    1. It will list the semester projects you have results.
    2. You can only use this option for just one semester project at a time.
  2. Click on the semester’s results that you want to work on.
    1. It will list the courses that have results data.
    2. You can select by putting a check mark in the box on the far-left side of the course listed or beside Course Code to select all.
      1. To generate a batch report, select more than one course.
  3. Click Batch Report link above the Project Results box.
  4. Type a Report Name for the Batch Report.
  5. Select a Report Type by using the down arrow.
    1. It will show the same options as it will for Reports.
  6. Select one of the following options:
    1. Merge Multiple Detailed Reports into one PDF for Selected Courses: Individual course section reports will be compiled into a single PDF report.  Data is not aggregated.
    2. Download Multiple Detailed Reports/Batch as ZIP File for Selected Courses: Course section reports will be downloaded as individual PDF files into a single ZIP file.  Data is not aggregated.
    3. Aggregate Data for Selected Items into One Report: Results for all selected course sections will be aggregated into one single PDF report.

*Please note this picture is from an older version of Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys which was once called EvaluationKIT.

Screenshot of CES Batch Report