WSU offers a variety of trainings for faculty and staff that address accessibility.

Ability Ally Training

The Ability Ally training is a two-hour face to face training that provides an introduction to accessibility appropriate for all faculty and staff. Click here to enroll in Ability Ally training.

Ability Ally Training - Online

Access WSU - Ability Ally Digital Credential Thumbnail

The Ability Ally Online Training is an online alternative to the Ability Ally Training.

Ability Ally Digital Credential

Online Participants have the opportunity to earn the Ability Ally Digital Credential. In order to receive this credential, bearers must have worked through introductory material covering universal design for learning, accessibility, and disability awareness and have scored at least 85% on all assessments in the training materials. This digital credential is optional and represents extra effort on the part of the bearer.

Foundations of Accessibility Training

The Foundations of Accessibility training is a blackboard course designed to train instructional staff in the techniques and philosophies of universal design that address and satisfy our need to create and offer accessible instruction to all students. The training is self-paced, delivered online, and addresses the expectations for accessible instruction, provides training and resources to meet those expectations.

Foundations of Accessibility Digital CredentialAccess WSU - Foundations of Accessibility

Participants in the Foundations of Accessibility course have the opportunity to earn the Foundations of Accessibility Digital Credential. Bearers have demonstrated superior understanding of higher education accessibility in the following areas:

  • Law
  • UDL philosophy
  • Distinction between accessibility and accommodations
  • Face-to-face instruction
  • Digital instruction
  • Digital documents
  • Other digital material including videos
  • Textbooks and other publisher materials

This training is provided to all instructional staff at WSU through blackboad, and to others upon request. To request this training, contact

Additional Training and Resources

Additional training in specific areas, like Accessible PDF creation, are coming, and will be linked here.