Suggested External Opportunities
- Collaboration with small businesses, competing universities, McConnell AFB, and community
- Extend reach of online learning for nontraditional students and increase enrollment.
- Seizing opportunity to engage and recruit our local diverse students.
- Right in the center of I-35 corridor.
- WSU is the state's only urban university.
- Relatively education work force that can transition.
- Marketing to out of the area.
- Cost at WSU compared to other universities.
- Location.
- Evaluate needs - do we need a dental school? A law school?
- Fill the Boeing hole.
- International students, influx from China.
- Cooperative education opportunities.
- Internships.
- High school partnerships.
- Concurrent enrollment.
- AACSB accreditation.
- Attracting high quality students.
- Increase outside funding sources.
- Closer ties to the community.
- Location.
- Location.
- Strong engineering college
- Good reputation with arts community.
- Health Sciences center of region.
- Diverse community.
- Barton School has good reputation.
- Develop area around WSU.
- Increase distance learning.
- Create a physical presence in the Middle East.
- Marketing.
- Globalization - opportunities to expand past Wichita.
- Growing importance of image and branding in higher education.
- Availability of funds for special programs.
- Reach out to international students.
- Create a community relations position or centralized office that can be a single contact
for community organizations.
- Allow community organizations the opportunity to cheaply reserve physical space on
campus and create a community-friendly culture that would let them reserve all needs
through a single office.
- Create partnerships with private developers for business residential development in
physical space near campus.
- Use the new leadership to form new partnerships in the community.
- Seek out business leaders to use for consulting.
- Integrate corporate offices within the campus.
- Create partnerships with other higher education institutions for research and funding
- Form more bonds with school districts all along the I-35 corridor.
- Create a level of excitement on campus that is pervasive with students and faculty
and staff.
- Be creative in publicizing our excellence.
- Better marketing of program.
- Belong to community.
- More personal student focus.
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