Suggested External Threats
- Competition with other universities.
- Not having revenue and resources without increasing student tuition.
- Lack of space to grow programs.
- Online courses from other universities.
- Wichita has the most blue collar work force in the US per capita.
- Dwindling budgets.
- Loss of other large employers like Boeing.
- Weak or weakening primary and secondary education in Kansas.
- Not equipped to do the remedial classes - losing students to Butler, Cowley, etc.
- Decreasing state tax collection.
- Decreasing support from the state legislature.
- State funding.
- Online threat - quality programs.
- Other state universities.
- Known as "commuter" school.
- Competition from Kansas and Oklahoma universities.
- Lack of ability to attract and retain high quality faculty and students.
- Technical innovations.
- Economy.
- Kansas Board of Regents.
- Competition from other universities.
- Right-wing conservative attitude about knowledge, education, private good.
- Community colleges, lack of football.
- Lack of online courses.
- India predicted to create 50,000 universities in the next 15 years.
- Loss of high-paying jobs, replaced with minimum wage jobs.
- Students worry they won't get jobs.
- Community perception.
- Cost of education increasing.
- State legislation and funding.
- Transfer credit mandate leads to lower enrollment in lower division courses.
- Other schools have a competitive edge in online education.
- Regulation related financial aid, assessment, and learning outcomes.
- Economic woes.
- Lack of willingness to change.
- Competition in higher education, especially online programs.
- Lack of sense of community within the campus.
- Government pressure to education all.
- Poorly prepared incoming students.
- Push from accreditation regarding graduation rates.
- Campus department operating in silos.
- Overall negative perception that higher education holds no value.
- Commoditization of degrees.
- The notion that we are still "Hillside High.
- Severed relationship in the community.
- Competition.
- Image.
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