Suggested Weaknesses
- Activities.
- On-campus connection between departments, silos, don't work together toward vision.
- Commuter campus, getting and keeping students involved and staying on campus.
- Residence halls not connected to university lotion.
- Campus life.
- Signage on campus - lack of directions, all red brick building.
- Pride in WSU lacking.
- Surrounding area of WSU - little to walk to, no Aggieville type area.
- Parking for visitors on campus, meeting space for visitors.
- Lack of professional schools - PhD programs, lack of loyalty to grad school.
- Bureaucracy y for external funding.
- Each college operates so differently, not to lose individuality, but can be a challenge
working together.
- Brand identify overall, identity crisis of some individual units, don't label themselves
a WSU (CMD) market self.
- Facilities - worn down.
- Technology in classroom and in general - how they connect with students. Stay up with
what professionals are using.
- Lack of large event space.
- Lack of football.
- Distance and web based learning.
- Assessment - not sharing the data we have.
- Not very progressive, risk taking.
- Centralized student services.
- Campus recreation center.
- Student run radio station.
- Perception of safety on campus.
- Lack of being able to communicate.
- Could improve the relationships we have.
- Student engaging with all types of students on campus.
- More ability to tap into diversity as a learning opportunity.
- Retention of faculty and staff.
- Need to do a better job of embracing our identity.
- Do better job of building campus life and an identity.
- Breaking down communication silos university-wide.
- Silos of communication.
- Lack of space for faculty and staff to intermingle and exhcnage ideas.
- Commitment more to their interest areas.
- City has identify crisis.
- Community college image.
- What is our "compelling" story?
- Trouble keeping minorities.
- Considered behind KU and KSU.
- WSU ranking nationally, except aerospace.
- Systems inefficient and unfriendly.
- Archaic procedures.
- State regulation but little state support.
- Poor student life.
- Short on faculty/aged faculty.
- Low grad rate.
- Urban institution.
- Perception of location and security.
- Lack of football program.
- Perception as "Hillside High".
- Tangible appreciation for excellence.
- Lack of offerings and evening programming.
- Don't know what each other does, not engaged, poor internal communication.
- Outside of Wichita buy-in.
- Lack of marketing.
- Don't capture kids before community college.
- No joint university interaction, missed opportunity.
- Communication.
- Parking.
- Perception.
- Safety.
- Dorm facilities and Heskett Center need a face lift.
- Lack of new programs.
- Limited PhD programs.
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