Suggested Strengths
- Community engagement.
- Location within the city and within the state.
- Value versus cost of education.
- International students/diversity/age of students.
- Size of university.
- Strong loyalty from community to WSU, passion for WSU.
- Athletics
- Cultural arts/fine arts and support from community in this area.
- Engineering/innovation of this area and community partnerships.
- Cooperative Education, more opportunities in metropolitan area.
- Broad number of degrees in undergraduate studies.
- Landscaping and sculptures, beauty of campus.
- Athletic facilities.
- Small campus, easy to get around.
- Accessibility to youth with sports camps, TRIO programs, fairs, etc.
- Good place to work.
- NPR stations.
- Location and relationship with community.
- Services we provide to students - creative approaches to classes, programs in certain
- Diversity of student body.
- Diversity.
- Loyalty from community.
- Location.
- Opportunities for students to gain hands on experience before graduation.
- Urban university.
- Strong faculty.
- Commitment of faculty and staff to WSU.
- Known in area.
- Good recruitment from campus visits.
- Less expensive than other regional schools.
- Less of a "number" at WSU.
- Integrated communications.
- Physical size.
- Service-oriented.
- Strong alumni association.
- Urban institution.
- Sense of community with community.
- Unique location within state.
- Athletic programs with exception of lack of football.
- Opportunities for interaction with medical community.
- Campus appearance helps with community perception.
- Sculpture collection.
- Excellence in teaching.
- Diversity of students and faculty.
- Technology Lab - CISCO, engineering, NIAR.
- Relationship of WSU and community.
- Cooperative education and real work experience before graduation.
- Good working relationship with other area schools.
- Collective effort to move forward and strive for excellence.
- Student housing centrally located.
- Small classes.
- Available land with golf course.
- 1.5 mil levy that no other university in the United States enjoy.
- Technology.
- Location.
- Student services.
- Freshmen orientation programs.
- Campus-wide technology support for classrooms.
- Faculty with real-world experience.
- Partnerships with public and private companies.
- USD 259 relationship.
- Center for Management Development.
- Good sports facility for basketball and baseball.
- International students.
- Low cost of state tuition.
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