Strategic Plan Rubric 2022-2025

In January of 2021, the School of Performing Arts began engaging in training and conversations around diversity, equity, inclusion, access, belonging & community building,
The work we are doing along with feedback we have received from working with social justice scholar Charles Anderson and our school Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) Alliance, continues to guide our decisions and accountability.
Our continued training & mechanisms for feedback led to the development of a new vision and strategic rubric centered on diversity, equity, inclusion, access & belonging. Our strategic plan continues to guide our decisions & accountability.

Vision: The WSU School of Performing Arts envisions an inclusive world where curiosity, creativity, and collaboration are essential and valued for an engaging career and artistic life.

Mission: The WSU School of Performing Arts guides scholarly and artistic endeavors, supports creativity, and facilitates an education focused on developing sustainable, engaged, and creative citizens.

Values: Community, Creativity, Curiosity, Collaboration, Courage

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Access Alliance

Black Lives Matter statement

Goals, Objectives, & Implementation Plan

WSU Strategic Goal 1 Alignment

Inclusive Excellence; Student Centeredness

SPA Goal 1

Increase every student's understanding of inclusion and social justice in the performing arts.

Objective 1

Create and implement core course "Inclusion in the Performing Arts"  for 1 credit hour

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
SPA Director Course approved     Course to be offered  

Objective 2

Create Certificate - Performing Arts & Social Justice

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
SPA Director & Asst. Prof. of Performing Arts in Social Justice     Identify existing courses on campus for the certificate and submit to SPA Director October 1, 2023. Get letters of support from outside schools/colleges and submit to SPA Director December 1, 2023 Submit certificate for approval February 1, 2024  

WSU Strategic Goal 2 Alignment 

Research and Scholarship; Inclusive Excellence; Student Centeredness

SPA Goal 2

Improve diversity, inclusion, and equity in all course content and materials.

Objective 1

Create rubric/grid to evaluate courses for culturally relevant curriculum/inclusive curriculum utilizing exisiting resources and considering SPA needs

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Faculty/Staff Work Group Work group met once   Vote @ Fall '23 Retreat (Aug 15/16) on final rubric. All courses review content with new SPA rubric. Submit course rubrics for Spring '24 by November 10, 2023 to SPA Director    

WSU Strategic Goal 3 Alignment 

Student Centeredness; Research and Scholarship; Inclusive Excellence

SPA Goal 3

Ensure degree concentration learning outcomes are inclusive and reflect the current field.

Objective 1

Update Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for degree concentration areas to reflect & align with WSU and SPA strategic plan and research current practices in the field.

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Program Areas   Program areas meet and research trends/data of other similar degrees (diversity of programs by size, location, inclusion), reference SNAAP (, use senior exit surveys, survey alumni, and review national standards - give a year end report/updates to SLOs for program area.  Continued curriculum research, finalize degree concentration SLOs & submit a draft to SPA Director December 18, 2023. Discuss feedback with SPA Director & finalize SLOs March 8, 2024 1st semester of updated curriculum with new gen ed model

WSU Strategic Goal 4 Alignment 

Student Centeredness

SPA Goal 4

Identify overlapping course content, sequencing, and innovate new curricular approaches/courses.

Objective 1

Review and map courses to clarify overlapping materials & to evaluate "introduced, developed, advanced" and high impact experiences (curricular and co-curricular).

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Program Areas Implemented ePortfolios for all 1st year students through Performing Arts Seminar. This was a positive 1st step in looking at degree concentration materials and categories of learning outcomes. Map and submit the degree concentration courses by May 5, 2023 to SPA Director Use map to identify overlapping content, SLO preparation/revision, & inspiration for curriculum innovation. Create an updated map of degree concentration & submit ot SPA Director by December 18, 2023 Continue to meet with program areas and give monthly updates at SPA faculty/staff meetings. Finalize mapping process by May 2024. Submit curriculum changes to be approved October 1, 2024

WSU Strategic Goal 5 Alignment 

Campus Culture; Inclusive Excellence; Partnerships & Engagement

SPA Goal 5

Recruit a more diverse and representative student community

Objective 1

Create community partnerships and opportunities beginning with youth

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
SPA Director and Program Directors   Classes to participate April 7th, 2023. Identify classes to perform to SPA Director by February 3, 2023. One class per area and who will teach it (day/time/faculty or student) to SPA Director for Fall 2023 by May 5, 2023 Implement weekly classes in dance, theatre, and musical theatre at the Boys & Girls Club    

Objective 2

Recruit a more diverse student population

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Recruitment Work Group & Program Directors  Work group did not update/Program Directors received listing of admitted and prospective students  Draft a plan for recruitment activities by March 10, 2023; maintain a record of recruitment events; discuss ways to improve & enhance current strategies (overall and considering URM); final draft May 5, 2023  Implement new approaches to diverse recruitment    

Objective 3

Bring community youth on campus to participate and/or observe existing classes

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
All Faculty & Staff Community Youth Course Participation File.xlsx Identify & submit a list to the SPA Director of classes/shops (days/times)  that can host Urban Prep Academy for Fall 2023 by May 5, 2023. Host Urban Prep youth in classes    

Objective 4

Create free community events focused on Shocker Neighborhood & low income areas

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
SPA Director/Program Directors/Student Assistants Free community performance info went out to all USD 259 & Shocker Neighborhood Schools, community organizations for youth, rural schools, junior colleges Send 2nd email for free Pippin performance by January 10, 2023. Send free dance performance email by March 20, 2023. Send free performance email/ information for season August 1, 2023.    

WSU Strategic Goal 6 Alignment 

Student Centeredness; Inclusive Excellence

SPA Goal 6

Create inclusive and equitable audition and jury processes/assessments

Objective 1

Create new rubrics/assessments for audition processes, juries, and portfolio review

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Program Areas   Program areas review auditon/jury/portfolio review processes and begin to create new rubrics; draft due to SPA Director March 10, 2023; final draft May 5, 2023      

WSU Strategic Goal 7 Alignment 

Campus Culture; Inclusive Excellence

SPA Goal 7

Prioritize hiring diverse faculty, staff, guest artists, and students (BIPOC artists, LGBTQIA+, PA forms/approaches not offered by full-time faculty/staff that expand global perspectives, nuerodiverse artists, differently able-bodied artists)

Objective 1

Consider New Position: Assistant Professor of PA and Social Justice (with ability to teach courses in at least 2 of the 4 program areas)

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
SPA Director & Faculty/Staff Position of Assistant Professor of Performing Arts with a focus in Social Justice Approved Finalize position and hire. New hire begins and works across SPA Disciplines and teaches "Inclusion in the Performing Arts" and creates devised theatre/dance work focused on social justice.    

Objective 2

Hire diverse guest artists

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Program Areas SPA Guest Artist Database for Diversity.xlsx Research, identify, and create contact list for diverse, potential future guest artists for courses, workshops, and productions. Add a minimum of 3 artists per program area and 1 transdisciplinary artist to the shared guest artist database by May 5, 2023.   Update/add to guest artist database by December 18, 2023. Update/add to guest artist database by May 1, 2024  

Objective 3

Hire diverse and workstudy eligible student employees in shops and for other student positions

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Shop Managers & SPA Director   Continue to identify diverse and workstudy eligible student employees and hire them      

WSU Strategic Goal 8 Alignment 

Student Centeredness; Campus Culture; Inclusive Excellence; Partnerships & Engagement

SPA Goal 8

Decrease siloing of program areas through community-building events and more transdisciplinary curriculum/co-curriculum 

Objective 1

Implement a consistent all-school community gathering and facilitate critical dialogue (with diversity in mind) - Friday SPA Day

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
SPA Director/Program Directors/SPACO Implemented SPA Days & SPA Nights. SPA Day Production Artistic Team Q&A's seem very beneficial. The 2 "parties" with prizes brought out the most students.  Discuss shifting SPA DAYs to Fridays, 11:30-12:30 p.m. for better participation/brown bag lunch series. Impacts: Stage Lighting Fall/Period Styles Spring - could these be 2 times a week for 1.5 hours vs. 3 times a week for 50 minutes? Dance Company Class - could this go back to 1-2:20 p.m.?      

Objective 2

Utilize SPA IDEA 

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
SPA Director & IDEA Alliance One panel with alum Da'Merious Ford. No attendance. Need to set day/time and require (pro prac time) One Friday during Professional Practices 10:30-11:20 a.m.      

Objective 3

Student Council (SPACO) Reorganization

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
SPA Director & Student Representatives from each program area Met 3 times. Feedback included SPA DAY/NIGHT and production "passports" for prizes. End of the year banquet with student/faculty awards. Rename awards. Serve more as a "senate" and 2 reps per program area/possibly percentages. Attend faculty/staff meetings once a month or semester. Meet monthly with a student leadership group with members of SPACO, MADT, Empty Space and IDEA - finalize new approach for SPACO for fall 2023 Implement new approach for SPACO    

Objective 4

Implement more courses/co-curriculum that crosses over in program areas and increase opportunities for collaboration

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
SPA Director/Curriculum Committee/Program Areas Pro Prac to 2 credit hours with digital and portfolio artist overview. This requires some curriculum to shift to audition classes/D&T might need portfolio development class. Inclusion in Performing Arts course approved for 1 credit. What current classes in different programs have overlap? Core Curriculum Changes: Considerations for Discussion based on exit survey and IDEA feedback - Performing Arts Seminar (1); Inclusion in Performing Arts (1); Production Processes (1); Creativity and Digital Technology (1); Performing Arts Transdisciplinary Project (1); Pro Prac (2); Senior Capstone (1).  Discuss courses that can occur/scheduled at the same time/day for collaboration. Discuss other new transdisciplinary courses (research methods). Immersive Theatre & Dance Work and Devised Theatre and Dance Work. Discuss and implement changes    

WSU Strategic Goal 9 Alignment 

Student Centeredness; Campus Culture; Inclusive Excellence 

SPA Goal 9

Improve communication (accountability, transparency and collegialty/professionalism among faculty, staff, and students)

Objective 1

Create faculty/staff handbook to clarify expectations and roles

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Faculty/Staff Handbook Committee  Workload information uploaded. Create draft for review/feedback and submit to SPA Director April 1, 2023 Second draft for review at August retreat (15/16). Final draft for review/feedback to SPA Director by October 15, 2023. All faculty/staff approve final document by December 1, 2023.    

Objective 2

Improve communication and culture for the entire School

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
ALL SPA Faculty/Staff YAAG development; Community Agreement Implementation, Implementation and use of Microsoft Teams (and calendars); SPA Days and Nights; First semester w/o overlapping calendar events SPA Director add due dates to Outlook Calendar (can also see on Teams); Faculty & Staff upload budget requests for travel, productions, class supplies, guest artists, program areas operations by March 31, 2023      

Objective 3

Improve communication & culture within the Production Leadership Team/Specific Production Teams

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Production Leadership Team   Production Leadership Team - Post draft of new communication chart for faculty/staff in Production and Season Planning Files by January 27, 2023; Faculty and Staff discuss draft February 10, 2023. Updated/final chart posted for faculty and staff April 21, 2023. Bring ideas for initial plan, implementation, & accountability to discuss on May 5, 2023 Review & reflect on the communication of chart with the differences of primary & secondary & student led productions in mind August 15/16, 2023 & November 17, 2023 Review & reflect on the communication of chart with the differences of primary & secondary & student led productions in mind March 29, 2024 & May 3, 2024  

Objective 4

Student handbook updates to clarify expectations including section for production

Implementation Plan
Responsible Area Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Program Directors, SPA Office, Production Team, & Design & Tech Faculty   Program areas update and production leadership team update student handbook draft for review/feedback by April 1, 2023. Final update of document due to SPA Director May 20, 2023. Share/review with all SPA students at SPA Fall Orientation/Performing Arts Seminar/Program Area Gathering and Retreats, August 18, 2023. Students sign agreement of understanding of SPA policies and procedures at the beginning of each semester.