Financial Services Announces Process Changes Coming to Your Amazon Business Prime Orders!

We're thrilled to share some exciting news about a positive change happening to enhance your Amazon Business Prime ordering experience.

What's Changing?

Starting 2/5/2024, the Amazon Business Prime account will be part of the Wu-Buy E-Procurement system.  Users must log into Wu-Buy and select the Amazon supplier tile which will direct them to the Amazon site. 

Why the Change?

This change is designed to make your shopping experience smoother and reduce the staff time devoted to the reconciliation process. All Amazon purchases made through Wu-Buy will be charged to a WSU Ghost Card account and users will no longer need to reconcile these transactions on their individual pcards.

Previously, only WSU pcard holders were eligible to access the Amazon Business Prime account.  Beginning 2/5/2024 all university staff will have the ability to access the account!

What to Expect:

More Time: Reallocate time spent reconciling Amazon pcard charges to other meaningful tasks.

Spend Management: Amazon orders placed through Wu-Buy allows better visibility and oversight.

On-Line Approvals: All orders will automatically route through the approval process ensuring approvals are obtained prior to making the purchase.

User-Friendly Design: The Wu-Buy marketplace provides an easy-to-use interface that makes it easy and efficient to order the items you need.

When Does This Happen?

The changes will go live on 2/5/2024, so get ready to experience the new and improved way of ordering through our campus Amazon Business Prime account!

Questions or Concerns?

We understand that change can sometimes raise questions. If you have any concerns or need assistance, we are here to help. Feel free to reach out at

Thank You for Your Understanding!

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work towards providing you with an enhanced procurement experience. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we can't wait for you to enjoy the benefits of these exciting updates!