2016 Strategic Plan Review

“Who Are We and Where Are We Going”

On Sept. 7, 2016, the Strategic Planning Advancement Committee facilitated the first annual strategic planning review.


Provide colleges the opportunity, in a collegial forum, to demonstrate:

  • progress on their strategic plan goals
  • alignment of their plan with the university's strategic goals
  • challenges they face

Provide forum to break down silos and stimulate cross-college and -university discussion.


Ensure university-wide importance and meaningful exchange of ideas, by inviting the entire campus community.


  • College deans presented for their individual colleges
    • Oral presentation (10 minutes per college)
      • Top two highlights of goals achieved
      • One multidisciplinary collaboration
      • Top two challenges
      • Next steps
      • Five minutes of Q&A
  • Three breakout sessions (30 minutes each, after every three presentations)
    • Structured sessions designed to work on challenges, ideas, and breaking down silos to stimulate cross-college and -university discussion
    • Participants were asked to answer the following questions after each presentation:
      • What is important to you from this presentation?
      • What things did you find problematic?
      • What possible solutions exist?
      • What opportunities exist for working together on multidisciplinary collaborations?
      • Social hour hosted by the Provost's Office followed the presentations and breakout sessions – feedback on the process was gathered from attendees.


The links below are to PowerPoint presentations for each WSU college. Right-click on the links to download the files to your desktop.