Society of Public Historians
2001 Minutes

January 26, 2001

Meeting at Sedgwick County Courthouse Records Dept.

Attendees: Doug Miller, Sandra Reddish, Barb Hammond, Prof Jay Price, Tina Sayler, Dru Saddler, Sheri Sanders, Mary Macklin

Issues Discussed:

Records Management for Sedgwick County

Getting beeped trying to enter into the courthouse. Thank goodness nobody had to submit to a strip search.
Doug gave everyone a treat by displaying items from the Time Capsule of 1888. Also, he had on display various record and log books from turn of the century.
Highlight seemed to be the Coroner s Log and WPA Death Cards. (Hmm and some people think the Secretary is macabre?)
Doug did mention that we could access records for research purposes providing we re nice to him. (Seriously, the Records Dept. does have authorization from County Clerk to access records.)
There seems to be lots of opportunities to snoop -- oops, I mean assist in processing record documents that nobody has any idea of what to do with em.


Welcome aboard to Mary Macklin!

Odd Bits:

Thanks to Dru for providing a place to socialize after the tour. Hopefully, we helped to delete part of his New Year s eve stash.
Price has taken the re-enactor s plunge by purchasing a Federal s uniform. He ll have to model it for everyone now.

Next meeting: February 17 or 24 at Butler Co. Historical Society/Oil Museum

President: Doug Miller
Treasurer: Josh Yearout
Secretary: Sandra Reddish

September 26, 2001

Meeting at Panera Bakery & Caf , 1605 N. Rock Road

Attendees: Sandra Reddish, Prof Jay Price, Angie Miller, Charles Lawrence, Tina Sayler, Tom Garrett, Barbara Hammond, and Doug Miller

Issues Discussed:

KMA reception for November 8 from 5:30-6:30. Tasks assigned or volunteered for are as follows:
Jay Price will contact Denise/History Dept. concerning nametag holders, will find out which part of WAM reception will be held in, and the length of serving table.
Barb Hammond will design SPH logo and name tags
Josh Yearout complied vendors and prices for various cheese trays
Tina Sayler offered to provide table covering (once length of table is determined) and floral arrangement
Sandra Reddish contacted Smokey Hill Vineyards and are willing to donate wine. Contacted Wyldewood, but POC will not be in until next week.
Dru Saddler has a SAM s Card so WE all volunteered him to do some shopping for accessories

Discussion concerning providing crackers and also baskets to put the crackers into instead of just having open boxes.
Agreed upon to purchase cheese trays from Piccadilly and Albertson s. Piccadilly offer American, French, and British cheese trays. Total cost for cheese should be $240.
Design for display case in Student Center for the week of KMA (November), will be done as a class project by the 701 class.

Odd Bits:

Welcome and congrats to Tina Sayler for she is a new grandmother! Of course, she made a big mistake in Grandparenting 101 by not bringing any pictures.
Panera was nice setting, but shouting over the evening traffic on Rock Road was a bit tiring. However, SPH is use to talking loudly, so it was not that much of a hinderance.
Afterwards, the party moved off to On the Border for some brews.

Next meeting: October 24 at River City Brewery

President: Sandra Reddish (Acting)
Treasurer: Josh Yearout
Secretary: Sandra Reddish

October 24, 2001

Meeting at River City Brewery, 150 N. Mosley

Attendees: Sandra Reddish, Pro Jay Price, Charlie Lawrence, Tina Sayler, Tom Garrett, Barb Hammond, Dru Saddler, Doug Miller, and Josh Yearout

Special Guests: Kerry Jones, Tom Huslig, Chad Kannady

Issues Discussed:

Kerry Jones is now a new member of SPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KMA reception for November 8 from 5:30-6:30. Follow-up on tasks assigned or volunteered for are as follows:
Jay Price contacted Denise/History Dept. concerning nametag holders and they should be available. Tour will be a video due to construction.
Barb Hammond showed different designs for SPH logo and name tags. The President trusts her judgment completely. Tom Garrett and Tina Sayler also concurred with design logo chosen.
Josh Yearout contacted Piccadilly about donating or reduction in price of cheese trays, but the catering director said absolutely not. (What an arse hole)
Tina Sayler is formulating plans for table arrangements, etc. Once again, the President trusts her judgment completely.
Sandra Reddish is talking with both wineries to get everything arranged.
Dru Saddler has no choice about using his SAM s Card so SPH may purchase miscellaneous items for reception. That s what he gets for not being at the last meeting and he s the only one with a SAM s card.
Charlie Lawrence has graciously volunteered to provide the crackers and some of the baskets and the use of his vehicle to haul of this stuff out there to WAM
Due to Piccadilly being non cooperative, SPH will purchase 1 each a French and English cheese tray from them and 2 American cheese trays from Albertson.
President will send out further e-mail notices concerning reception.

President passed along information of opportunities for SPH members to get out in the public and show off expertise: Speakers Bureau, Proposal for Non degree classes, and Butler County.
Announced SPH recruiting trip to Southwestern College. Representatives were Prof Price, Dru Saddler and Sandra Reddish. Trip went very well and both Dru and Sandra put on their professional demeanor and impressed the hell out of everyone.

Odd Bits:

Once again, Tina Sayler made a fatal error of not showing up with pictures of the new grandson!
President announced at table that no Budweiser allowed during the meeting! No light weight beer drinkers at the table. Due to the lousy acoustics in River City Brewery, speakers forced to elevate their voices to just under shouting.
President had momentary flashbacks to being a Marine when talking with SPH members.

Next meeting: No official meeting scheduled for November. December meeting - TBD

President: Sandra Reddish (Acting)
Treasurer: Josh Yearout
Secretary: Sandra Reddish

December 6, 2001

Meeting at Prof Price s apartment

Attendees: Dru Saddler, Prof Jay Price, Josh Yearout, Angie Miller, Tom Garrett, Barb Hammond, Sandra Reddish.
701 Class: Charlie Lawrence, J. D. Hays, Janice Rich, Chad Kannady, Missy Burdette, Kathy Gale

Special Guest: Prof Jason and Amy Coy, Charity Saddler, Delsa Hays, Connie Devol

Issues Discussed:

End of the year meeting.
New officers for 2002: President Sandra Reddish (railroaded in!), Secretary Dru Saddler, and Treasurer Josh Yearout
President s lengthy agenda seemed to go on and on and on and on and on and on
President was full of brilliant ideas!
President also solicited other brilliant ideas from SPH members. (President does not have a monopoly on brilliant ideas.)
SPH had its first tithing session as dues were collected for the new year.
Josh Yearout presented an upcoming project that definitely generated interest amongst the group and that is the WWII Oral History Project, for the National D-Day Center, New Orleans.
President announced plans or start thinking about possible fundraising activities. One idea is Rent-A- Historian that seemed to catch some interest. (President refuses to do bake sales! What a turd.)
KMA and Mountain-Plains Conference is looking for proposals. Once again, the President announced a brilliant idea for a panel discussion concerning using E-Bay or online auction houses to supplement museums collections. (This one may actually work.)
Upcoming tours for next semester will be a trip to Smoky Hill Museum and Smoky Hill Vineyards and the Spencer Art Museum.
SPH completed two recruiting trips this year: Southwestern and Pittsburg State.
As a fine finale, the President presented an ever so humble gift to Prof Price in recognition of his undying support and loyalty to SPH. (Along with use of his loft to trash!)

Odd Bits:

Once again, plenty of eats and drinks! Quite a selection for Prof Price s larder.
The reappearance of KMA reception cheese and bread on the food table.
Tom Garrett gets the award for the most original and pure line of B.S. in describing his interest and specialty in history. The bar is now set to lofty heights!
For some reason, Prof Price cringed and covered his face every time the President announced another brilliant idea.
While the Anthropology group may hold keggers, at least SPH offers more variety of upscale refreshments! Does this smack of spirits elitism?

Next meeting: January 26, 2002 Professor Price s place

President: Sandra Reddish (Acting)
Treasurer: Josh Yearout
Secretary: Sandra Reddish