November 9th 2017
Attendance: Suzanne Walenten, Dalton Sanders, Dr. Price, Andrea Wilson, Rhenee Clark, Seth Bates- Regina Cooper

KMA highlights – Dr. Price and Suzanne
Cemetery update Dalton- Friends of the Wichita Pioneers Work Day Scheduled for Saturday, November 4th was cancelled because not enough people signed up
Christmas Party – Andrea Wilson, December 8th 7 pm Dr Price’s House
Theme : Native American, Foods…
Projects: Regina- Power point over discrimination towards African American farmers
Andrea Wilson- Graphic novel right now after comps
Luke The Longhorn release Party at Old Cowtown Museum, Saturday , December 2nd at 1pm.
Regina and Suzanne- working on research on neighborhood presentation. Also Seth and Andrea
Walking Tour- Dr. Price and Andrea
Christmas Party, Andrea Wilson will be stepping down because she has one semester left.
RSC end of semester Party? Can get a room upstairs for free, and bring in food unless it is under $100.
Seth – Idea release party for the History Journal?
Dr. Price Watermark Signing event for Professor
Joint Phi Alpha Theta and SPH..
Last Point Dr. Price Kansas Aviation Museum, November 18th? Several people are still interested and group tour will take place. November 18th is a Saturday, November 19th is a Sunday. Information will be posted soon confirming date and time.


October 7, 2017
Attending: Dalton Sanders, Dr. Price, Lisa Durant, Andrea Wilson, Brent Kennedy, Rhenee Swink
Discussions about Doc and History events this weekend (Delano/ Chisholm Trail 150)

Topics Discussed: Future Meeting Time-Date -Location, Domain, Upcoming Events, Annual Holiday Meeting

Meeting Time- Identify Target Audience for Group- Clarify time for Meeting. Saturdays are not working for a lot of people. Also weekday daytime are not convenient for those that work or have classes.

Decision to move monthly meeting to Thursday night. RSC Meeting Room or Downstairs- Andrea suggested a reserved room in RSC. First Thursday of November is KMA. So move to Second Thursday.

Next meeting Thursday, November 9th. 6:15 pm Andrea Will let us know what room we are meeting in.
Annual Meeting December 14th Thursday , PM- Theme Native American Food
Historyof is a historical interactive Map by Daniel Seltenreich creator of map working with Dalton. Website is live. Is in progress. Davis Hughes in Anthropology is assisting with GIS. WSU Has acquired access to a 3D Map of Campus.

Events- Kansas Aviation Museum tour in November . Details to follow

Andrea: Announcements

1. Historic House Tours on 14-15th. Karen Linenberger wants research on some of the Houses- This will be for next year’s event. Dr. Price and Andrea can contact her for more details of those wanting to help with this.
2. Still Organization- Meeting has to be attended annually.
3. Anyone interested in a November tour for Museums. Kansas Aviation Museum. Sunday November 18th Tentatively- or 19th.
4. Walking tour for a group at the Historical Museum on October 14th by Dr. Price and Andrea. Club is being paid for this.
5. Andrea talked with Kim who works with adult education to set up a walking tour next spring to go with classes. “They will cover funds and materials. We just manage the tour”.