Notes General Meeting December 4, 2014.
Those present included Josh Roeder, Sandra Hain, Emily Burgess, Brooke Morris, Kyle Palmer, Justin Turner, Chris Rizzo, Joel Weide, Steve Roberts, Lisa Duran, Keith Wondra, Jay Price, and Seth Bate.
Elected officers were:
Lisa Duran: President
Seth Bate: Secretary
Joshua Rupp: Treasurer
Brooke Morris: Historian
SPH Officer's Meeting October 2, 2014
Dr. Price Create Heart of the Matter
Carpooling sign-up list
(I am willing to) (I need a ride) (Cell #) (I would like to go early for a meal Y/N)
Share with class
Pass on to officers 10/2
Seth Take Heart of the Matter carpool list and distribute to wider community; coordinate
and assign cars 10/16
Seth Repost volunteer need for historic walking tour 10/4
Sandy Email Julie M @ KHC on how to promote/support Heart of the Matter to our 10/11
Sandy Share what you learn from Julie M with Officers and FaceBook Page 10/12?
Dr. Price Determine if Kansas Museum Association student volunteers are needed. 10/3
Seth & Officers Use FaceBook page and Nov. 1 meeting to discuss KMA opportunities:
Could we staff it? What story would we like to tell? Carpooling coordinating Ongoing
and Nov. 1
Seth & Officers Promote KMA 10/15
Members TBD Create centerpiece for KMA auction – possibly at or after 11/1 meeting.
If someone has a good idea before this, go for it! Discuss theme ideas on Facebook.
Seth & Dr. Price Promote Nov. 8 Historic Sites board of review trip to Topeka – carpooling
coordinating Ongoing and up to 11/2
Seth & Officers Promote membership meeting Nov. 1 – Discuss T-shirts Ongoing and
up to Oct. 31
Everyone Promote and choose activities for annual meeting and holiday celebration
Dec. 4 Ongoing and up to Dec. 3
Carolyn Choose (and if need be booking) meeting site for Nov. 1 10/16
Carolyn Speak to Public History Class 7 p.m. 10/9 10/9
Seth Send logo and letterhead to Sandy 10/9
Dr. Price and all Begin determining our role for MPMA in 2015 Nov. 1 and ongoing
Seth Get Teresa Strausz to send Dr. Price VISTA information 10/9
March 8, 2014
Present: Sandy, Emily, Karen, Lynsay, Seth, Keith, Dr. Price, Kristina, Carolyn,
and Carolyn’s Peter
Program: We visited the Kansas Leadership Center and then retired to The Anchor.
We liked the Kansas Leadership Center. We would like to know if there are any KLA
workshops/programs SPH might be interested in attending.
Members really do need to get their dues in to Sandy (including our beloved president,
The KAH Conference is coming up, March 28th-29th. Congratulations to all the SPH
- As far as volunteering for the conference, Jodi Hall is not looking for anyone
specifically at this time. We however, being industrious and helpful Public Historians,
put together a list of names and cell phone numbers for Lynsay to send to Dr. Joyce
Thierer (president of KAH), in case last minute help is needed.
- We discussed having a pre-conference information session with Keith around 12 noon
that Friday, to orient potential volunteers to the site and give them the ability
to answer basic questions about Cowtown.
In other news, the proposed Public History student/faculty gathering in Kansas City
is looking pretty iffy, but might take place on May 17th.
To Do List:
Lynsay: Send volunteer list to Dr. Thierer.
Dr. Price: Keep us informed about the residential learning center, and the potential
Kansas City Public history meeting.
Keith/Dr. Price/Seth: Discuss the SPH newsletter sometime before April 12th.
Sandy: Work with Dr. Price to learn about our financial status, get her name on the
SPH account, and collect dues.
Carolyn: Contact Student Involvement to get tips on how to boost membership.
At this point in our meeting the food arrived. As we had covered all the essential
information in Seth’s nicely laid out agenda, he made the wise and gracious suggestion
that we adjourn. The looks on everyone’s faces as we contemplated our respective meals
was conclusion enough for us. The next SPH Officer’s meeting will take place around
11:45 in Fiske Hall, April 5th. The next full meeting will be 12:00 noon on April
SPH Officers Meeting
February 8, 2014
Present: Dr. Price, Tim, Seth, Carolyn, Sandy, Lynsay, Joanne
Old Business that should be recorded for posterity
At the December meeting we elected new officers for the 2014 calendar year:
President: Seth Bate
Vice President: Carolyn Schmidt
Secretary: Lynsay Flory
Treasurer: Sandy Hain
General Information
- Tim and Joanne were asked to join us at this meeting as Tim “hands over the reins”
and Joanne is President of PAT
- We discussed last semester’s events and what worked well:
o Partnerships – With the Kansas Corral of Westerners and the Ulrich Art Museum
o Combining food and travel – trip up to KSHS
o Piggy-backing our events on those that already exist
This boosts attendance numbers
This makes the SPH workload lighter
- KAH could use volunteers to help with registration and possibly some logistical
details Jodi Hall is the KAH contact person, but Joanne has volunteered to funnel
WSU students to him.
- There is the possibility of gathering with other Public History students from this
region in Kansas City in mid-to-late May
- We have the possibility of bringing Chuck Myers down from KU to discuss academic
publishing, hopefully with a wider audience than just SPH members
- We discussed the possibility of reaching out to undergraduates to increase membership,
but did not make any decisions on the matter. We agreed it could be discussed again
in the future
- Dr. Price mentioned a learning center in the future residence hall, but he does
not know what that would look like yet
- During our next meeting Carolyn would like to discuss taking SPH to visit museums
(as we are the public history group)
Our Upcoming Events:
General Meeting Saturday, March 8th: 12:00 at The Anchor, followed by a tour and
introduction to leadership skills at the Kansas Leadership Center
Kansas Association of Historians Conference, Friday and Saturday, March 28-29: Old
Cowtown Museum
Officers Meeting, Saturday, April 5th: Directly following Museum Administration Class
Evening Lecture, Tuesday, April 8th: 7:00 pm on campus, History of the Mediterranean
General Meeting, Saturday April 12th: 12:00-2:30
Our SPH To-Do List
Carolyn – contact the student involvement people for information about how to increase
Joanne – Be the WSU volunteer contact person and give a list of anyone who wants
to volunteer to help during KAH to Jodi Hall in Conference Services
Seth – Let the membership know that anyone who wants to volunteer for KAH should
contact Joanne
Tim – Send a record of the October/November SPH meetings to Seth and/or Lynsay
Dr. Price – Keep us “in the loop” about the learning center and if it is a possible
way to reach freshmen, should we decide to promote SPH to undergraduates