Society of Public Historians
2002 Minutes
Here are the minutes for the last Society of Public Historians meeting, which
was held 26 January of the year 2002. Dr. Price was kind enough to host this
meeting in residence. If you have any additions or corrections, let me know.
The meeting began at 19:50 with Madam Dictator yelling for everyone present
to grab some food and drink and sit down.
Promptly at 19:51 Madam Dictator attacked the court scribe and rendered him a
whimpering mass of Jell-O.
I. Madam Dictator calls order and welcomes everyone and has an introduction
of new victums/faces.
-The Court Treasure was predicted and reported that SPH has $240.OO in
the treasury, most of which came from our taxes/dues.
II. The first major item of business was the amendment to Article IV
Officers, Section 5 Term of Office to the SPH Constitution, which shall be
known as Amendment 5a.
a. The amendment was how to replace SPH officers. This is a major
concern since there should be a few graduations in the near future.
b. SPH was instructed how to vote by the local totalitarian dictator ( In
other words, Dru Saddler motioned and Tom Garret second the motion.)
c. The Amendment passed. (in accordance with Madam Dictators subtle
III. The Mountain Plains conference
a. We would like to submit a proposal to the conference on having a panel
discussion of the usage of ebay for museums. This panel discussion would be
called Ebay-Boon or Bane?
b. Please be thinking of ideas for this.
IV. Oral History Project
a. Josh has made contact, Dr. Price offered to help with a brief workshop
on how to
how to conduct an oral interview.
b. Any questions, please see Josh.
V. Tour at KU on 16 February, 2002.
a. If you did not get an agenda, please let me know.
b. More information will be added later.
VI. Fundraising
a. PLEASE submit your ideas, I believe that Sandy lies awake at night
thinking of
to torment me.
b. The first idea is to be rented out to local museums. So unless you
wanted to be r
rented out, please think of something.
VI. Hiede Dressler-Kelly, Local Historian at WPL
a. Hiede needs contacts to help with giving talks for local schools and
community groups. These are mostly week nights, but can be some weekends, as
VII. Barb told about the new Wichita Photo Archives.
- this is linked from the WSU Special Collections site, as well as the
WPL web site.
VIII. Volunteer Docents
a. This is for a traveling exhibit, "Listening to the Paire-Farming in
Natures Interest."
It will be at the WPL.
b. Dates are May 4 - June 15
IX. Future
No meeting in February - Tour at KU
March and April - working on a tour of Smoky Hills Museum.
April 20, 2002
Meeting at Smoky Hill Museum, Salina and Harvey County Museum, Newton
Attendees: Sandra Reddish, Prof Jay Price, Janice Rich, Charlie Lawrence,
J.D. Hays, Lori Sherrill, Tina Sayler, Angie Miller
Issues Discussed:
* Tour of Smoky Hill Museum by Dee Harris, Director
* We now know the 'rest of the story' about the Indian Burial Site
along I-40.
* Discovered all sorts of hidden treasures tucked away in the basement
of the museum, i.e. Machine Gun, Cannon, Wheel from the U.S.S. Kansas
* Smoky Hill museum really reflects the influence of having City
financial support.
* Terrific interactive exhibits and activities for kids and adults.
* Dee shared a lot of sage advice concerning running a museum such as
budgets for everything, staffing, and marketing.
* Another highlight was viewing of the dog treadle churn exhibit.
* Quick stop at Harvey County Museum in Newton
* Viewed the Smithsonian Exhibit.
* Good trivia question: How many Jetson's episodes aired during its
first year on TV in 1963 and how many years did it last, before moving into
the 'rerun' realm?
Odd Bits:
* Per Dee's recommendation, the Caper's caf was an excellent choice.
They serve really big ass wraps!
* The Masonic Temple in Salina is a monstrosity!
* For those who appreciate old houses, Salina has a butt load of them
for the viewing.
* Charlie Lawrence and J.D. Hays exhibited their hidden talents of
imitating 'Robbie the Robot" from Lost in Space.
Next meeting: No meeting for May.
June 29 - Tour of Anthony and cookout at J.D. and
Delsa Hays' place.
President: Sandra Reddish
Treasurer: Josh Yearout
Secretary: Dru Saddler
June 29, 2002
Meeting at the town of Anthony
Attendees: Sandra Reddish, Prof Jay Price, Janice Rich, Charlie Lawrence, J.D. Hays, Josh Yearout, Barb Hammond
Issues Discussed:
Tour of the Town of Anthony: Museum, Theater, Downtown Revitalization, Post Office,
1st Congregational Church, Courthouse, and Houses
Only in Anthony does the outdoor theater get the business instead of the indoor theater.
An aside to the tour, some of us now know how a film projector works and what plates
Josh had the opportunity of disappearing as he stood on the stage trapdoor.
For some mysterious reason, everyone seemed to find the farm implements very intriguing
at the museum.
Historical lynching in Anthony.
For those interested in WPA paintings, Anthony s one and only post office has an
original mural from one this New Deal Program.
Great tour of the courthouse. From its bowels and boiler room to the belfry (minus
the bats, but add in the dead birds).
Real treat of viewing the courtroom. President received a tremendous power surge
as she sat in the Judge s chair and reigned supreme.
A true walking tour of downtown Anthony and delight for those hysterical preservationists
J.D. showed off the fine houses of Anthony. A couple of them are real fixer-uppers.
Did get the chance to view a Greek revival steroid house.
The Smokehouse set up buffet for us. President did indulge in the imported Irish
named beer, owned by a Japanese company and produced in New York.
J.D. s anecdotes most helpful as we walked and walked and walked. He pointed out
a modern building trying to impersonate an old building by hiding behind a false front.
Break time at the Irwin-Potter Rexall Drugstore for limeades at the bar (counter).
Tour of Man Land. (For more information about this place, contact J. D. or better yet, contact Delsa.)
Cookout at the Hays house alias Womania & Man Land. Nice spread and the company wasn t too bad either.
Odd Bits:
The Hays have the perfect solution for keeping marriages together. Establish a Womania
and Man Land and hook them together through a double stall garage. Maybe they should
publish a book and go on a talk show tour.
The President broke her yearly quota of entering churches. She s now up to three
for the year.
Patriotic music playing from speakers on main street.
Josh and Prof Price faked out the Anthony Republican newspaper photographer.
For once, SPH were unofficial dignitaries and we made J.D. look great.
Next meeting: No official meeting for July. However, there will be a SPH dinner TBD.
President: Sandra Reddish
Treasurer: Josh Yearout
Secretary: Dru Saddler
September 28, 2002
Meeting at Prof Price s apartment, 316 Fountain
Attendees: Heidie Colucci, Coletta Ricketts, Theresa St. Romain, Tom Garrett, Lori Sherrill, Chad Kannady, Ben Hruska, Charlie Lawrence, J. D. Hays, Janice Rich, Josh Yearout, Prof Jay Price, Sandra Reddish
Special Guest: Dr. Ariel Loftus and Mads Madsen
Issues Discussed:
Treasurer s reported on funds.
Once again, President droned on about the importance of attending the MPMA/KMA conference.
President announced upcoming events for October, November, and December. President
also forewarned everyone about tithing in December (DUES.)
Amendment to add the position of Vice President. Will vote on this in December.
SPH magnets available.
SPH will now have a website that should be up and running by November.
Ken Spurgeon is now Director of Instructional Services for Cowley County Community
College at the Southside Center. This means, if members are interested in testing
the waters of teaching, contact him. (He s a WSU History Graduate Student.)
SPH will also sponsor a $150 Grant for all paid student members.
President made announcements concerning possible SPH projects: Wichita Diners & Restaurants
& Reenacting Workshop
President announced the Emporia Undergraduate & Graduate Conference in April 2003.
Dr. Loftus gave pitch for Phi Alpha Theta.
Odd Bits:
Scribe was absence! Can t wait to hear his sorry excuse.
Prof Price showed off his Sinking Titanic.
President for once kept expletives to a minimum.
Next meeting: TBA
President: Sandra Reddish
Treasurer: Josh Yearout
Secretary: Dru Saddler
October 24, 2002
Meeting at CAC Bowling Alley, WSU
Attendees: Josh Yearout, Prof Jay Price, Sandra Reddish, Dru Saddler
Issues Discussed:
Officers meeting to discuss status of SPH and cover miscellaneous business.
Grant Proposal
After action report on MPMA/KMA conference
Kill the VP position and establish Historian position for SPH
Future officers and future for SPH. Keep the momentum going.
Odd Bits:
Prof Price is now a member of the ancient cult The Masonics.
Dru is thinking about joining too, only if he can drive one of the little cars and
wear a Fez.
Next meeting: TBA
President: Sandra Reddish
Treasurer: Josh Yearout
Secretary: Dru Saddler
December 13, 2002
Meeting at Price s Place, 316 Fountain St.
Attendees: Mark Janzen, Josh Yearout, Chuck Davidson, Tom Garrett, Ben Matthaei , Charlie Lawrence, Lori Sherrill, Tina Sayler, J. D. Hays, Dru Saddler, Jay Price, Sandra Reddish, Mary Macklin, Theresa St. Romain, Janice Rich, and Teddie Barlow
History Spouses: Charity Saddler, Delsa Hays, Mark Sayler
Special Guest: Matt Hanne
Historical Figures in Attendance: Napoleon and Josephine, Carl Becker, Gustav Mahler, 1930s icon the Wise Crackin Career Woman
Issues Discussed:
End of the year meeting.
- First election by use of ballots. New officers for 2003: President Heidie Colucci, Secretary J. D. Hays, and Treasurer Theresa St. Romain. **Charlie Lawrence also elected as the Historian for SPH**
- President announced SPH marketing tools: Magnets, Website and now Dr. Price T-shirts. Dr. Price seemed quite pleased with the t-shirt design. (Then again, not much he could do about it anyway.)
- President announced teaching opportunities at Cowley and Butler Co. Community Colleges. Contact person Ken Spurgeon
- There will be no VP of SPH, instead the Historian position will be established.
- Fairmount Folio is looking for paper submittals and editors.
- President groused about the lack of applicants for SPH Grant.
- 400 Years of the Czars trip scheduled for Feb. 22
- Resumes for Life careers workshop in the Spring
- A possible AIAA project for SPH would not only bring in money, but also give SPH great publicity. Further information will be forthcoming.
- SPH presented Christmas gifts of a gift certificate to Connie s Mexico Restaurant and The American Diner book to Dr. Price.
- Dues were collected for 2003.
- Slight intermission to meeting, due to the billowing smoke spewing out of the kitchen.
- Minor discussion concerning the Museum of Ancient Treasures. Dr. Price once again wins the most diplomatic opinion.
Odd Bits:
Dru looked much too comfortable in the dress. Hmm this is probably not the first time he s worn one. At least he could have shined his boots.
Hmm difficult to tell the difference between the President and Napoleon.
J. D. and Charlie conspired to sabotage the President s teaching career before it even starts!
Duly noted that Dr. Price s kitchen is definitely a man s kitchen. (Meaning, couldn t find anything and nothing in a logical order.)
Josh did not like the Fizzywig Ale by his grimace and utterance. What the #$%# is this @%$#!
Next meeting: January TBD under the new regime.
President: Sandra Reddish
Treasurer: Josh Yearout
Secretary: Dru Saddler