Decorative Blue Wheat

Merging Courses with Similar Content

Are you teaching multiple sections of the same course? Or, do you teach a course for two departments with different course codes but same content?

For multiple sections of the same course, or for a course with different course codes hosted by two or more departments, you might find it hectic to add contents, post announcements or make edits to each course shell. If you prefer to manage the course from a single shell, we can merge the courses for you. One of the course shells will be a "Parent Shell" and the other course/s will be "Child/ren Course/s". Students enrolled in all the shells will be able to see all the content in the parent shell. 

You will see students in all sessions in your Users or Grade Center pages, but every course will have their separate grade submission page on banner to submit final letter grades.

NOTE: Once course shells are merged, you cannot make any change on the child/ren course/s. 

Requirements for a Course Merge:

  1. You must be the instructor of record for the parent course and the child(ren) course(s). 
  2. All courses must share the same term dates (full semester, first 8 weeks, etc). 

Course Merge Request:

As of 4/1/2023, we have a new process for requesting a course merge. Please click on the link below to fill out a request. You will be required to be signed in to Office 365 to complete the form. 

Questions? Email us at