Frances Ervin


Frances ErvinI am honored to introduce to the Bender of Twigs Members, Ms. Frances Ervin, Director, Educational Opportunity Center.

Ms. Ervin’s twenty five years has included work in the TRIO Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program and the TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers program as its director for 19 years. She is also distinguished as a Wichita State
University scholar having graduated with a double Bachelor of Science in Social Work and Criminal of Justice and is completing a Doctoral Degree with a focus on Contemplative Education.

Ms. Ervin works with many of Wichita’s community agencies to bring aid to adults. These include: Department of Children & Families (DCF), HUD Housing, Wichita Neighborhood Centers, WSCAPP, and the list goes on. Each year she and the program assists over 1000 adults with GED services, technology development, tutorial assistance and more.

Many adults would not have the opportunities and advancements available to them were it not for Ms. Ervin and her program. I applaud Ms. Frances Ervin and know the community is grateful.

Deltha Colvin
Associate Vice President for Special Programs
WSU TRIO Programs Support

Updated: 11/25/2019 SRAP