Katherine Gale


No Photo Available - Default ImageCharles Dickens begins A Tale of Two Cities with It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.... The years working with Kathy Gale, our Office Manager, were definitely THE BEST OF TIMES! Not to say that university life was easy nor that challenges were few, infrequent and small, but her strength of character, desire for excellence and her sense of humor made all the difference for the faculty, staff, academic advisors and students she worked
with and served. Her dedication to the priorities and needs of the Advising Center staff, collaborating faculty and students was unsurpassed. She cares and she makes a significant qualitative difference.

We experienced a number of administrative, technological, budgetary and personnel changes throughout our 20+ years together. She was up to the tasks at hand. The essence of quality teamwork requires expertise, persistent devotion to get the task done well, and a passion for collaboration that
transcends self-centeredness. Kathy excelled in each and all of these areas. She was up to any challenge that needed to be faced.

To this day I’m still thankful we worked on the same team. Her continuing outstanding contributions speak for themselves. Thank you Kathy Gale. You are a superstar in my book!

Bob Rozzelle
Former Director of the LAS Advising Center, Academic Advisor,
Instructor & Director of Technology

Updated: 11/21/2019 SRAP